Meet people in Basse-normandie for free

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Meet people in Basse-normandie for free


Granville, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: women from 26 to 48 years
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

Gracias por visitar mi perfil. Despues de un largo tiempo solo, busco a alguien para una relación seria. Me gustaría sentirme amado, comprendido, deseado y apoyado. Soy de Francia


Amfreville, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: men
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

I am looking for someone who is ready to reopen world again with me. I want to look at old things in a different way together. Will you able to make me such a gift? I want to find family-oriented man. I always dreamed of a large and happy family. Family should base on mutual understanding. Although, i like to convince people I am sure it is important to find compromises in relationships So i am ready to change my mind a little Are you ready to change something in yourself for our common future ? What would it be?


Caen, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: men and women
To:make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Je suis espagnole . J'habite à Mathieu il y a 2 mois avec mon petit ami, mais je ne connais personne. Je veux connaître amis par prendre biėre ou activités à Caen. Je ne parle très bienencore , mais je veux ámeliorer et essayer de faire choses avec natifs ou gens dans la même situation que moi.


Alencon, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

I am a good hearted man for a woman to steal, optimistic I like enjoying and I need a motherly wife


Caen, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: meet people from 27 to 39 years
To:meet people, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Hello guys! I'm new in France and I'm interested in makingfriends both men and women. I'm a positive person and I'll love to go out and meet people. I think it's also an opportunity for me to learn the surroundings of Caen. I don't speak french just yet so it would be cool if you know a bit of english as this is the language we can communicate though ;) I love people who are fun to be with and open to any kind of discutions

José Miguel

Caen, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Je suis bref avec mon personalité, je suis un latin qui aime faire du sport, voyager et connaitre des autres cultures. J'aime cuisiner et la musique. Je me bouge bien


Cherbourg, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: women
To:meet people, chat for free

Busco mujer atractiva educada que quiera compartir momentos de la vida


Barenton, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

I am french but I lived in the US for a long time. I like trust and spending good time to appreciate life. I like the outdoors and I would like to meet someone around my age. J'ai 51ans.


Ablon, Basse-normandie, France
looking for: women from 35 to 60 years
To:meet people, flirt for free, chat for free

me gustan las mujeres sinceras,autenticas y sobre todo fieles no me gustan las mentiras.

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