Conèixer gent de més de 63 anys a Tasmania gratis

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Conèixer gent de més de 63 anys a Tasmania gratis


Cranbrook, Tasmania, Austràlia
Busco: dones
Per:conèixer gent, buscar parella, conèixer amics, xatejar

Hi, thanks for stopping by. My name is Eric and I am retired, and share my home with 3 King Charles Cavaliers, but we would be happy to enjoy the company of a beautiful lady, into our lives. I enjoy food, the preparation, cooking and consumption, especially in good company! I also like music, enjoy a varied mix, but not heavy metal!I like to play lawn bowls, which I find, a contest of skills, but also very sociable I am hoping to meet some lovely ladies, and make some great friendships, fromwhich, who knows. Friendship,is the basis of any worthwhile relationship, if this is missing, it will fail! I would not expect that any lady would have all the same interests, but similar is good! I may have forgotten to mention, that I value friends and family.My 3 children live in Adelaide, but remain close. So here'slooking at you!

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