Meet people in Dunbartonshire for free

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Meet people in Dunbartonshire for free


Glasgow, Dunbartonshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men
To:dating, chat for free

down to earth,single, kind, and am looking for honest and caring man to spend the rest of my life with

Lydia Gasu

Glasgow, Dunbartonshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men
To:meet people, dating, make friends for free, chat for free

I am a purposeful girl. I always set the goals that I need to achieve no matter what it costs me. I am confident in any situation. I do not like to doubt myself. Since childhood, I was taught to strive only for the best and not be afraid of anything. In my career I reached almost the top, it remains to achieve family happiness. Maybe you also have such a goal?

Kevin Martin

Glasgow, Dunbartonshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

i like to think i can be funny i believe that "there's a positive in every negative situation" I could be going through a really bad time, no one would ever know unless they ask. I dont like to dampen other people's mood with my bad news "lifes to short " plan a future by sll means ,though dont let it stop you from being spontaneous or ehoe you really are ;)

Derek Taylor

Glasgow, Dunbartonshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men and women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, chat for free

hi there give me a msg if you have any questions ;)

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