Meet people in Friesland for free

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Meet people in Friesland for free


Stiens, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: men from 40 to 75 years
To:make friends for free, chat for free

Hola mi nombre es Venus solo busco amistad y fumo.. amo la naturaleza soy encanta la gente sincera.Y odio el fanatismo... los animalitos son mi debilidad.gaticos. perritos todos.


Longerhouw, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

my Name is Gabriel, I'm from Nigeria Africa, I'm looking for serious relationships with the right one who will understand me and I will understand too and make beautiful family together,I don't care of your age ,what matters is true love and understanding


Grouw (grou), Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: women
To:dating, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

I am a family person, I am very social. I like dining

Maria Luisa

Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: men
To:meet people, chat for free

Hola soy una mujer amable, atenta, cariñosa, sincera, decente amo el hogar y la familia me gusta el respeto tengo muy buen carácter.Quiero conseguir un hombre con mis gustos sincero y honesto para conocernos y tener una buena relación odió que me escriban unas cuantas veces y ya me estén invitando a tener relaciones sexuales si eres así mejor no me escribas


Drachten, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: men
To:dating, chat for free

It is important to be honest and honest with yourself. Trust yourself and others. If life gives you lemons, just make lemonade; this is totally about me. I like to enjoy pleasant moments of this beautiful life and try not to be sad because of some small problems


Sandfirden, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: men from 18 to 50 years
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Me gustaría alguien sencillo que le guste conocer, relacionarse con la naturaleza y que sea avanturero ,cariñoso y un poco romántico y que le guste el chocolate como yo.

Ashrine Asare

Mantgum, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: men
To:meet people, dating, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Do you still believe in the myth that a beautiful girl can't be smart? It is dispelled by thousands of female examples and I am also one of them, without excessive modesty it will be said. I am sure that an intelligent woman simply cannot afford to be ugly. And also unhappy. That's why I'm here. Write to me and let's make the rest of our lives a better time together.


Gersloot, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: men
To:meet people, chat for free

Mi nombre Es Evelyn Anillo Rodríguez Soy De Colombia Tengo 21 Años Soy Divertida, Amable Cariñosa Estudio Comercio Internacional, Me Gustaría Conocer Un Hombre Con Buenas Actitudes Sincero, Amable, Espontáneo

Jhon Tores

De blesse, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: women
To:meet people, make friends for free, chat for free

Soy un poco extraño y me gustan las cosas al limite


Sandfirden, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: women
To:flirt for free, chat for free

Quiero conocer mujeres con mucho sentido del humor

Luis Hernandez

Sandfirden, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

soy un joven de 19 años soy divertido romántico y sobre todo amoroso me gusta escuchar música latinae gustaría conocer a una persona de Buenos sentimientos para interactuar.


Vinkega, Friesland, Netherlands
looking for: men
To:encounters, chat for free

I am very kind and cute lady. I like to help people. I have a lot of hobbies: sport, cooking, singing, dancing. I hope I will share all of them with you. I like to meet new people and make acquaintance. I have a lot of friends and I like to spend a lot of time outdoors with them.