Meet people in Sachsen-anhalt for free

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Meet people in Sachsen-anhalt for free


Hessen, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: men
To:meet people, dating, encounters, chat for free

Soy natural sencilla con sentido del humor,busco personas serias amable y educada,mi lema es vive y deja vivir la vida es muy corta no te compliques,advertencia no busco jovencitos... si tienes 40 en adelante entoncesdale.,por favor reitero no quiero niños de 26 27 28 29 ni de 30, a partir de 40 minimo, tampoco no me manden ni me pidan fotos porno,no soy ninguna actris ni modelo.. tu fotos desnuda guardatelas para ti,muchas gracias


Hessen, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, make friends for free, chat for free

I'm a huge believer in communication, so if you are quiet and reserved, we probably would not hit it off! I'm very active and will be even more active soon. I'm retiring! I'm sincere in this attempt to find a well-balanced, interesting, active woman with whom I can spend some quality time. I'm not a serial dater, but I'm hoping that this site can help me to locate an equally sincere woman


Rothenburg, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

I'm a very real person when it comes to life and its issues. Am honest, caring, loving, good sense of humor, easygoing, free thinking, trustworthy and respect other people's life whether it's a serious relationship or just dating but I know my ultimate goal is to find a partner. .I want to enjoy this phase of my life in my search and if my future partner happens to appear in front of me, I will not let her go..


Wernigerode, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: men from 39 to 65 years
To:meet people, dating, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

My two biggest foundations in life at the moment are my job and my family. I work a lot and enjoy what I do very much! (I would love to tell you more if you are curious, just ask). And all of my free time I spend with my daughter, we go out, do things together and communicate a lot. I am an introvert, usually very nurturing, calm, and collected, which means I find joy within myself, family, home, and any outdoor activities

Kerly Andrade

Hessen, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: men
To:meet people, chat for free

me consudero una chica muy agradable y honesta me gusta mucho la sinceridad me manejo de forma correcta soy una mujer seria de pocas parejas me gusta la sinceridad la confianza no me gusta los vicios me gusta aprender cosas nuevas e interesantes.

José Montoya

Hornburg, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: women
To:meet people, chat for free

soy chico latino con ganas de conocer mujer y pasar un rato agradable


Algenstedt, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: men
To:make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

I am a sportive, energetic lady and am fond of dancing, politics, sports and traveling. I teach pole dances, these are dances for girls and women. They help girls turn from a gray ordinary mouse into a wild I would like to meet a man, who will be caring, gentle and next to him or in his arms I will feel safe, like a small kitten. At other times, my man should be like a strong lion, who knows how to make decisions and next to him I will be a proud lioness.


Magdeburg, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: women
To:meet people, chat for free

like to be simple and make things easy. love playing guitar. enjoy travelling.


Sangerhausen, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: men
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

I'm looking for only one man to spend the rest of my life with him forever


Groß santersleben, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: men
To:meet people, make friends for free, chat for free

me gustaria decir muchas cosas de mi pero es muydifícildescribirse uno mismo es mejor que me conozca y con el tiempo saquéla respuesta..prefiero no decir loque busco y ir conociendo y el tiempo dira si es en realidadloque quiero y deseos...

Ana StellaFerrer

Abbenrode, Sachsen-anhalt, Germany
looking for: men
To:make friends for free, chat for free

Deseos de vivir el dia dia y luchar por lo que se quiere. Para eso se necesita Respeto y confianza. .

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