Meet people in South yorkshire for free

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Meet people in South yorkshire for free


Barnsley, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men from 18 to 99 years
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

likegoing out friend weekend have mealwith family going to seasize skegness travel boredlooking some who i get on with who eastget on lovely care not look one who after sex nono

Keiron License

Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

i care for others in need of help like to try anything and make new friends great at going places and trying new things and will do anything to keep a women on my side


Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men from 25 to 30 years
To:meet people, dating, make friends for free, chat for free

Hello, my name is Ruth Sanabria I am 25 years old, I like spending time with my family and friends, reading books, watching movies, going for a walk, among other things.

Peter Jameson

Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women from 18 to 50 years
To:meet people, chat for free

I am artistic, intelligent, sensitive, spiritual and open to learning new ideas and new cultural and romantic experiences


Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women from 18 to 36 years
To:dating, flirt for free, chat for free

Hola, soy un académico universitario y profesor jubilado que busca una pareja para compartir mi vida. Yo hablo español. Me gusta mantenerme en forma practicando ciclismo, carrera y gimnasio, ¡y disfruto leyendo y viajando! Hi, I am a retired University academic and teacher looking for a partner to share my life. I speak Spanish. I like to keep fit with cycling and running and the gym and I enjoy reading and travelling!


Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men from 50 to 58 years
To:make friends for free, chat for free

I am a paranormal investigator I'm also married and only here to make friends I like a good chat with somebody genuine


Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, chat for free

hi I'm Dave from Sheffield South Yorkshire I'm 51 years old and divorced I'm looking for the right lady


Tickhill, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

I'm mark from Doncaster I work has a groundsman at Doncaster rovers football gardening cooking no kids don't smoke I drink


Mexborough, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, chat for free

Mujer europea afín a mis preferencias que hable varios idiomas, y con ganas de emprender una relación


Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

I'm looking for a stable relationship, a honest, faithful and a family women. 24-28 years.


Doncaster, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, chat for free

Soy romantico,optimists,tomo las cosas en serio cuando me interezan.Me agrada la mujer cariñosa e inteligente.


Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men
To:meet people, make friends for free, chat for free

tengo dos anos en Inglaterra y me siento sola . mis hijos son adultos. tengo muchos anos divorciada. DEJE MI PAIS BUSCANDO PAZquisiera compartir amistad


Doncaster, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

my name is Stewart and I'm from England United Kingdom and I'm friendly and kind and gentle and respectful and honest and caring and loving and trustworthy and warm hearted


Doncaster, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

soy hombre muy serioy trabajador y muy corecto, me gustaríauna personamuy atractivainteligentey agradabley muyinteresante y segura de si mismo, lo que quiere, mujerque no pida dineroa cambiode una amistad o algo mas que tenga el sentido común.

Jose Mope

Sheffield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, chat for free

I am a normal person and I will like to meet, excellent lady with a nice cutility Lovely and normal person


Barnsley, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

Amabilidad Por favor Todo se puede Con esfuerzo hay premio


Hatfield, South yorkshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:meet people, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

I'm looking for friendship and a chance to get to know someone a little better. Looking for a woman who likes to chat.

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