Meet people in Victoria for free

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Meet people in Victoria for free


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women from 18 to 50 years
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Soy una persona Amable y cariñoso, con buenos sentimientos y altos valores morales y busco alguien con mis mismas características, para entendernos y amarnos y vivir una relación libre de discusiones y vivir la vida disfrutando las cosas juntos


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women from 18 to 55 years
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Hola soy un salvadoreño viviendo en Australia, con el deseo de encontrar a alguien para vivir una vida juntos en Armonía, amor y con los deseos de salir adelante eso es lo que tu buscas también, te invito a contactarme para comenzar una bonita amistad con miras a una linda relación...


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Me gustaría conocer chicas para aprender la cultura he idioma atravez de una relación.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

I am a very calm person with a lot of imagination and passionate about life, I would like to meet people with whom to share experiences.


Lake lonsdale, Victoria, Australia
looking for: men from 18 to 99 years
To:meet people, chat for free

I'm single live alone. I have daughter.I'm looking for a Good man who is ready for serious relationship


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:dating, chat for free

Soy sincero,alegre,divertido Me gusta mucho disfrutar al máximo la vida Me gustaría conocer a alguien que también disfrute de La vida al máximo

Abhishek Saini

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

A 5'11 tall guy. Open minded and easy going. Here for a good time, not long time. Open to anything that comes my way. RESPECT & CONSENT matter. I'm an adventurous, spontanous, ambitous and romantic guy. Love hiking, drinking, watching movies, photography, beaches and long drives with sight seeing. A WRITER


Ringwood, Victoria, Australia
looking for: men and women
To:meet people, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Our family travels a lot but looking for a new team to have a trip with me & hubby, exploring nature & sharing culture


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

Hello. I AM Colombian. I'm just a guy looking for some cute girl to share many things and pleasant moments Hola. YO SOY Colombiano. Solo soy un chico que busca una chica linda para compartir muchas cosas y momentos agradables

Daniel Leon Vergara

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Hi, I’m finding interesting making connection with people from the world, everyone keen to it, welcome to my world

Patricio Molina

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

Hola soy patricio soy un tipo muy amigable Me gusta mucho salir hacer deporte Tomar un rico café con una buena compañía Me gustaría conocer a alguien interesante

Loukas Tsonos Anagno

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, flirt for free, encounters, chat for free

I'm a positive, happyand energetic person which make fun everything in life cause it's not worth to take anything serious stress about it. I still have my serious moments of course but I try to minimize it as much as I can! I love dancing and listening to psychedelic trance!! I look a person who is like me in the positivity and happy part of me with Awsome vibes as mine so that can nothing negative in life touch us to the list..


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: men from 63 to 69 years
To:dating, chat for free

I am aware that I am a genuine . empathetic, cheerful, caring open minded and honesty person.I love my family and friends . I always have a positive attitude in my life. I would like exploring new places .I like a picnic day and fishing in the river . I enjoy to work in the gardenandtravelling . I enjoy a romantic night and lovemusic and dancing . Healthy love should be honest. sincere, generous and with good communication , respecting and caring for relationship between us. I think that thepersonalityis 70% of attraction . I am looking for a serious relationship . I am not looking for one night stands.


Brighton, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:make friends for free, chat for free

I believe it's important to meet and stretch out to people's.Have alot of time for humble people.


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

I am looking for a woman who will open me up here, regardless of my age and my appearance. I am a positive, cheerful person who likes to smile, laugh, and make happy everyone around. I am hard-working and very active. I am an honest, open-minded person. I love trying everything new. If everything fits together, then I am ready to move mountains, come to you and check if we are compatible in real life. I will always be honest, passionate and faithful to my beloved woman. Do you want to have a man next to you who will make you happy? During different periods of life we have different aims and goals. For this moment my main interest and aim is to find my love! I don't look at this world through rose-colored glasses. I am realistic, so I don't have many requirements for a woman. I just want my woman to love and respect me. Well, she cares, gives flowers, she is attentive. Just kidding. A real woman can be seen from afar. I also would like her to love life and appreciate every moment of it. It is important that she should have a good sense of humor and not be Casanova. I hope and want her to be a one man woman! AND IF OUR COMMUNICATION LEADS US TO THE MEETING IN REAL LIFE IT'S NOT PROBLEM FOR her . The date will show everything. Do you agree? Do you have the same goal? I will be glad to start communication with you, maybe the first letter will be fateful for you and me.


Hampton park, Victoria, Australia
looking for: men
To:dating, chat for free

Hellomy name isMel I am37 I haveblondhair and brown eyes I am a single girl and I have broken up with my ex-boyfriend and I am looking for a new boyfriend now I want to havekidsandget married and Iwant aguytotake meout for dinner and Iwanta guy to take me out forcoffeeand give huge and a kiss too and I lovemusic and dancingI love going out with my friends to nightclub and I love movies and TV shows

Muguel Sánchez

South melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

A Mi no me gusta la rutina, prefiero tener mucha variedad en mi trabajo y se adaptó rápidamente a las tareas y situaciones cambiantes. Puede adaptarme a las necesidades de los demás, si éstas son claras. Soy muy versátil, ágil y con frecuencia muestro potencial para el pensamiento imaginativo y creativo. Soy muy intelectual y me gusta investigar los hechos. Necesito pruebas de apoyo, tengo un fuerte interés por la gente y puede ser efectivo en las situaciones interpersonales. Muchos responderán positivamente a su estilo enérgico, extrovertido, entusiasta y espontáneo. Deseo una mujer suave en todo aspecto, sencilla, honesta, amable, cariñosa, compresiva, si tiene que hacer un reclamo con mucha altura, amor y sencillez. Para obtener el resultado que quiere.

Claudia Mora

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: meet people from 18 to 99 years
To:make friends for free, chat for free

I am looking for friends to practice English and learn about different cultures.


Wycheproof, Victoria, Australia
looking for: men
To:flirt for free, chat for free

I'm fresh out of a relationship and looking forward to a new start

Dannison Camacho

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
looking for: women
To:meet people, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

Hola mi nombre es dannison tengo 23 años me considero un hombre respetuoso apasionado y romántico me gusta la música puesto que soy músico guitarrista , me gusta cantar también me gusta compartir conocer hablar y pues me gustaría conocer a una linda dama no tiene que tener necesariamente mis mismos gustos

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