single women in Berlin city

Single women in Berlin city for free and free chat. Mobifriends is very easy and fun.

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single women in Berlin city


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

soy una mujer alegre y a la vez seria cuando se trata de amar a pesar de ser joven busco un hombre serio para amar y ser amada si estas dispuesto a amar con seriedad aqui me tienes


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

Soy madre soltera dos hijos tres nietos, hogareña, cariñosa, respetuosa, fiel, comunicativa, GUSTA reír, jugar, pasear, cine, mar, detallista, un buen trago, una buena cena, una buena compañía, NO ME GUSTA el tabaco, las mentiras las infidelidades, usar a las personas, me gustaría encontrar un buen hombre quien me ame y a quien amar, respetar cuidar, mimar, y pasar los últimos días de mi vida.

  • Noa
  • 53 years
  • 1 picture

Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

Soy. Alegre. Sincera. Carinosa.. Honesta.. Me gusta vivir tranquila y conocer un buen hombre


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

i am a simple lady i need someone to be in a serious relationship with any other things can come later


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

Hello there am not a paid member would like to know more about each other but would love to chat on other site


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

hola. estoy. buscando relacion seria para. formarfamilia


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

You never know what awaits you in the near future. I try to be ready for anything. But my goal is to stop being lonely. A simple kind character, a decent woman who is looking for an honest and sincere man!


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

Ich koche sehr gerne lecker. Ich zeichne auch gerne, so entspanne ich mich. Außerdem liebe ich die Natur und das Wandern an der frischen Luft sehr.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

Hello my name is Florence and i am single never been married before without kids so i am looking for a serious and honest man who is serious and ready for a serious relationship.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

Merhaba ciddi birini arıyorum ileriye donuk evlilik .


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

I'm very well-educated. So you won't be ever bored with me in any sphere. I am an open, cheerful and very purposeful lady. I love to be needed for my family, I want to be needed for my future man and give as much affection and warmth love as he can withstand. Hopei find that man soon !!!!


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, chat for free

Ich bin ruhig, fröhlich, mit einem guten Sinn für Humor. Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich einen idealen Charakter habe und so gut wie Gold bin! Gleichzeitig bin ich ein fürsorgliches, unterstützendes und freundliches Mädchen. Ich würde niemals jemanden in Schwierigkeiten lassen und bin bereit, das letzte Stück von etwas mit meinen Lieben zu teilen. Ich vertraue Menschen leicht und ich bin sehr glücklich, nur gute in meinem Leben zu treffen. Ich bin eine glückliche Frau und kann jeden Tag überall schöne Dinge sehen; Ich bin offen für neue Erfahrungen, für neue Emotionen und ich bin bereit, mich zu verlieben.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

soy una mujer cariñosa, detallista agradable y con carácter .me gusta la natación hacer paseos en bicicleta y correr de vez en cuando ,no me gusta la mentira y soy muy decidida


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

cubana residente en Alemania,dispuesta a conocer y ver que me depara este sitio,un gusto conocerlos

  • Mar
  • 39 years
  • 1 picture

Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men and single women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Hola Soy Mar y busco gente con la que poder reír y pasarlo bien. Soy abierta, divertida, positiva y muy constante en mis obligaciones.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

I am a very sociable person and I have many friends. I am the one brave woman who loves life and wants to share it with my only one man. I am an attentive, gentle and sensitive girl with passionate desires and a warm heart. I am an energetic, active and purposeful lady. And life is the greatest gift! I like to enjoy every day. I like to live simply. I am a quite serious and optimistic person. I can solve absolutely any questions. I try to find a compromise. I like to make new friends. I really want to know your values, principles and character. I am ready to become the perfect partner for my life partner. To become an reliable and faithful partner and work together to live this wonderful life.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, make friends for free, chat for free

I am a kind and sensitive person. I can find a common language with everyone. I am a patient person. I am always ready to help people who are in trouble. I try to be happy. I am a confident lady. I really do not like rude and ignorant people, but I rarely lose my temper because of them.

Katherine Pires

Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Me gusta que me sorprendan.... sin límites.. Probar cosas nuevas.. y quien sabe hasta donde puedo sorprender yo a esa persona!!


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, encounters, chat for free

I am a good sensual, energetic, positive and romantic woman. My friends consider me sincere and very kind with a good sense of humor. I am gentle, caring and passionate when I fall in love. And if I get the same response I can give all my sincere love in return.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

I would like you to discover me day by day, step by step. I am a sweet lady, enjoying life and taking everything from it. Like a tigress, I am active, like a kitten I am fluffy. I want to love and be loved, to take care and be cared. I am a romantic girl and I want to give my love to my man.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

El hombre que busco tiene carácter amable, buen sentido del humor, le gusta sonreír, no le gusta ir a la cama cuando hay algunas preguntas sin respuestas entre él y su dama. Hombre cariñoso y amoroso que me amará solo y me será fiel y no perseguirá a otras mujeres


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, chat for free

I am an adult lady with an open heart and soul, I am ready to build a real couple. I have good age for this big event to start new life, happy life with an adult man who knows life and know how to care about his woman. I do not care about your style when you are my king then I will be your queen. I do not care your occupation cause together we can make something more! I am serious but at the same time I know how to enjoy life. I am full of love to give. I am full of warmth to share. I am full of kindness to present. Just take it.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, chat for free

Mi nombre es Penélope. Soy soltera sin hijos Francesa de Estrasburgo mido 1m73 por 60 kg silueta normal, ojos verdes, cabello rubio, trabajo en estetica como maquilladora. Me veo bien, bien en mi vida, bien en mi cuerpo y bien en mi cabeza, me gustan los pensamientos positivos y el bienestar de la persona. La gente me encuentra sencilla, generosa y apasionada, sensible, sociable y cariñosa con los que amo. Siempre estoy decidido a darlo todo en todo lo que hago

Bertha Lina

Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Soy una mujer madura, enamorada de la vida, que deseo encontrar mi media mitad...

Seraphine Demontre

Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

Soy una mujer sincera y seria que busca un hombre para una relación romántica


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Hey my name is Luna i m single and caring i like making new friends that is why i m here i need someone that have experience life someone that know what life is all about a matured man that will understand my feelings


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Soy una persona alegre, madura, extrovertida e ideal busca compañero de similares características para poder pasar un tiempo, a poder ser el máximo posible, en compañia y armonía por y para el resto de sus días.

Aishah Abdul Rahman

Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

I am a homily lady, Am social loving and caring and i am seeking a true lover.


Berlin city, Berlin, Germany
looking for: single men
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, chat for free

Ich bin eine selbstbewusste Frau, die hierher gekommen ist, um ihr Glück zu finden. Ich habe einen großen Wunsch nach einem echten Treffen und nur zu diesem Zweck suche ich einen Mann auf dieser Dating-Seite. Was mich betrifft, ist dies die beste aller Dating-Sites und ich denke, dass es mir definitiv helfen wird, mein Glück zu finden. Ich habe keine Angst, dass ich ein richtiges Treffen haben werde, das ist mein großes Ziel hier.