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Xatejar amb dones d'Iraq gratis

Erbil, Arbīl, Iraq
Busco: homes i dones
Per:conèixer amics, trobades, xatejar

Hello, friends : ) I'm a lover of exploring, food, books, mountains, being physically and cognitively active, people, cultures, history, etc.Specifically, I love to cook and eat just about all types of food, stouts and porters are my favorite type of beer, my favorite book is Gone with the Wind but I think that Dune is the greatest book that I've read, I've spent the past decad'or so studying people and my day job reflects this - I do social psychological research -, I love to do all sorts of outdoors activities ranging from hiking to white water rafting (I'm hoping to expand these horizons and do some longer, multi-day hikes and white water kayaking!)... I'm looking to meet friends are interested in similar things and are down to expand horizons with me. : ) I'm also specifically looking for people local to Erbil who can show me the ropes of this awesome city!